Canoe Trail Goliad

Texas Non-profit Corporation

248 Hill Ave
    Goliad - 77963
Canoe Trail Goliad is a Texas Non-profit Corporation with communication address of 248 Hill Ave, Goliad, TX. Canoe Trail Goliad is registered for Texas Franchise Tax and its taxpayer number is 32033954226. SoS/CoA code is a unique identification number assigned to business entities for Texas franchise tax records. Canoe Trail Goliad has a Secretary of State (SOS) File Number of 0800885532. Company became liable for franchise tax on 16 Oct, 2007 and business was chartered by Texas SoS/CoA on 16 Oct, 2007.

Texas Franchise Tax Details:
Canoe Trail Goliad is a Texas Non-profit Corporation situated in Goliad, TX in the county of Goliad (88). Find information like taxpayer id, complete address and contact details for Canoe Trail Goliad below.

Company NameCanoe Trail Goliad
Tax Payer Identification Number32033954226
Address248 Hill Ave
CityGoliad, TX - 77963
CountyGoliad (88)
Organization TypeTexas Non-profit Corporation (CN)
Business Type:
Canoe Trail Goliad is a registered franchise and its Secretary of State (SOS) File Number is 0800885532. Canoe Trail Goliad was started on 16 Oct, 2007 and the status was last changed on 16 Oct, 2007. Canoe Trail Goliad is exempted from paying franchise tax and the reason for its exemption is 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation Exempt From Federal Income Tax, Sec.171.063. Canoe Trail Goliad's current 'Right to Transact Business' is Active.

Record Type CodeSecretary of State (SOS) File Number
Responsibility Beginning Date16 Oct, 2007
SOS Charter Date16 Oct, 2007
SOS Status Date16 Oct, 2007
SOS Status CodeActive
Right to Transact BusinessActive
Current Exempt Reason Code501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation Exempt From Federal Income Tax, Sec.171.063
Exempt Begin Date16 Oct, 2007

Comments/ Reviews:
Canoe Trail Goliad Address Location:

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